All Health stories

Insurers see dollar signs in healthcare

You may soon be able to get a lot more than a massage and 75% off your next physio appointment with your workplace health insurance.

Fixing healthcare

Amid a flurry of recent announcements, it’s clear that efforts to help a healthcare industry in crisis are kicking into high gear.

Heading north for diabetes drugs

Canadians have long headed to the US to shop, but the trend is reversing as Americans flock north to get their hands on a diabetes drug that’s gone viral for its weight loss effects.

Nestle isn’t nuts about its allergy medication

Nestlé isn’t the first company that comes to mind when you think of Big Pharma. And considering how their rollout of a new allergy drug is going, it’ll probably stay that way. 

No doctors to call

Someone call a doctor (if you can find one), because the healthcare system is in critical condition. 

The market for obesity drug booms

When the public asks for weight loss drugs, “say less” is Big Pharma’s response. 

Can sick day rules heal?

Next month, a law that guarantees ten paid sick days a year for employees in federally-regulated industries like banking, telecoms, and air transport takes effect.  

…but don’t expect sick day legislation to happen on the provincial level any time soon.

Children's medicine shortage strains healthcare system

Every parent knows that this time of year is rough when it comes to kids getting sick (best not to think about what sort of germs are floating around the typical classroom), but this cold and flu season is shaping up to be historically bad. 

Driving the news: Parents are taking desperate measures to get care and medicine for their kids as a spike in respiratory viruses overwhelms pediatric hospitals and supply chains for common medications break down.

Conditions for healthcare money apply

The federal government will dish out money to fix provincial healthcare—hooray! 

There’s just one small catch: Provinces must commit to building (and contributing data to) a national health system that would increase transparency around how that money is spent. 

Not even sheep can help Canadians sleep

Daylight saving time starts tomorrow! In exchange for not seeing the sun after work until spring, you’ll get an extra hour of sleep—odds are, that’s something you desperately need.