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Fund your vacation by working as an international courier

Are you a frequent flyer? Do you tend to choose remote or hard-to-reach destinations to unwind? Do you wanna make a little money for even less work? You should consider joining an international peer-to-peer shipping service.

How to score free stuff while on vacation

If you’ve ever taken a trip, you know the dilemma—do you bring stuff from home and pay for a checked bag, or pack the bare minimum and then buy what you need when you arrive? But did you know there’s a third option? And it doesn’t cost a thing. 

Book cheaper flights by using a VPN

Travel math is pretty simple: The more money you save getting to your destination, the more you have to spend once you arrive. Unfortunately, airfare prices are up and only projected to get more expensive as the summer progresses. But a simple tech hack could help you score a seat at a discount.

Skiplagging is the money saving secret of the summer

Layovers are the bane of any traveller's existence, a waste of time (and money if you can't resist an overpriced airport meal.) But some savvy travellers use layovers to score cheaper airfare through "skip-lagging."

Clever carry-on hacks to save you baggage fees

We’ve all seen the “wear-all-your-clothes-on-the-plane” packing hack, but who wants to sit on a plane for hours looking like a raggedy Michelin Man? 

How to bid on a seat upgrade

The last overseas flight I took was uncomfortable, to say the least. I was in the middle seat of the middle aisle, with a loud talker to my left and an even louder snorer to my right. About five hours in, I would have given my firstborn to the flight attendant to get into a business class pod—but I should have just bid on a seat upgrade before departure.